Right after christmas I bought a 3d printer. it has been something that has been an interest of mine for a while but never managed to actually buy one due to the cost

most of the time I would see them at £500-£2000 which is somewhat out of my range.

But I got my one at £217 from creality which is in my mind still expensive but it is something that has potential for something more both for learning Fusion 360 (free version thankfully) or learning slicing software which I lean towards Ultimaker Cura

I have made a couple of thing's which one is currently printing right now and I hope to incorporate my electronic skills into some projects. 3D printing complements most things after all

I do realise that 3d printing is a little out of field from programming but I also am starting to think that limiting this blog to just one thing that I'm interested in is also limiting what I can show as a skilled person. After all this site was to show what I can do and this is something I can do.

New Tech :- 3D Printing



Distraction since last time:-

3D Printing projects

Hardware Link

Creality Ender-3 V2

Software Links

Fusion 360

Ultimaker Cura

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Older Posts

A Start to Programming Life

A change in normal life


Clock and Card

Reacting to React

Hover to beat the heart

Burn Out

New Tech :- 3D Printing

By the Power of Fusion 360

Rapid Racking Hook

© by Jason Smith