An idea popped in my head after a doing a udemy course called 50 projects in 50 days. if you have a moment after reading this please have a look and give it a go I have placed the link at the side for easy access. It is completely worth it.
So this idea is from one of the projects on there where you make the website go to dark mode which most websites have (mostly noted on twitter) which make it well dark.
it mainly changes the background from white to black and the text to white to black.
I Added a button to show what I mean by dark mode just incase you have not quite encountered it in the wild.
This idea that I had something that can be used with any colour so why not random colours! Behold the random colour button!!!! (please note that if it might change to a colour that you cannot read the webpage anymore.)
As this website is meant to be white with black text I will not be implementing this on the site just yet. Maybe in the future when it is more developed than it is right now. After all I feel this website need more to it before add fancy things to it
I have also taken a while to figure out what is going on I have affected the body instead of the whole page which is not quite what I wanted but still its aids my javascript understanding. so ill take that as a win. still cannot figure out why the nav and some of the text to the side is not taking hold. It stays black for some reason but its beyond my scope for the moment. I figure its better to show something and show that I'm learning still rather than have nothing to show at all!
If you think that you can help out feel free to tweet me or show me on github I have added my social links to the side so please check it out.