I needed a few days off. For the last couple of months I have feel like I have been a walking zombie. Sadly I don't recognize what it is until a holiday is forced on me like christmas. Damn I hate Burnout!
Its one of those things where when i'm working I need to work at 100% all the time which in turn burns me out. Today is actually the first day in many where I feel normal again. I think the last 3-4 days I have been sleeping for about 10 hours a day. Apparently I needed it.
That being said its doesn't mean that I did nothing between the last post and this one. I created a page with my current resources on.
Some are free like freecodecamp.org, some are not so free like Udemy and some are just some things to help me concentrate like freecodecamp Radio (its not my jam but if it helps it helps).
I've even added books to the list. According to most programmers its not the best way to learn because the information in them become outdated quickly which I can agree on. That being said sometimes reading from a book can be less distracting than looking up information online I should know because I can get side tracked quite fast by internet things
I'm taking that the resource page as a "always need to update" page since there can be a lot of resources for web development... for anything for that matter
Right that is it from me hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!