No new ideas right now just wanted to update you all on what is going on right now. If you followed me on twitter then you know I have a new job which is great news but there is one problem. It is making me tired so much that I'm not able to focus much of anything so in turn I'm not doing any programming or any new things in general but I do need to address that my website kinda broke after the last blog post.

So in an attempt to keep this website not broken I will just make sure that many of the ideas that I come up with will be separate webpages to the main website. I will also make sure that there is a button to be able to return back to this website.

Also you may of seen that I have added some new buttons to the site of this blog post. This is to help flow between old posts and new ones. I plan to add a blog post timeline underneath the prev and next buttons when I can, If I can managed to figure out how I would like it.

As for now that will have to do.

Stay save everyone

A change in normal life



Distraction since last time:-


Social Links

Older Posts

A Start to Programming Life

A change in normal life


Clock and Card

Reacting to React

Hover to beat the heart

Burn Out

New Tech :- 3D Printing

By the Power of Fusion 360

Rapid Racking Hook

© by Jason Smith